Yana Kudryavtseva
Malika GR
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Yana Kudryavtseva
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Une nouvelle perle rare en provenance de la Russie... Je l'ai découverte sur les vidéos de Moscou et je pense qu'elle représente une bonne partie de la relève russe !
Je pense que l'enchainement par lequel vous serez le plus marqué est son ballon :
Je n'ai pas beaucoup d'infos sur elle... Donc si quelqu'un en sait plus, qu'il n'hésite pas à nous faire partager son savoir
Quelques photos :
Une nouvelle perle rare en provenance de la Russie... Je l'ai découverte sur les vidéos de Moscou et je pense qu'elle représente une bonne partie de la relève russe !
Je pense que l'enchainement par lequel vous serez le plus marqué est son ballon :
Je n'ai pas beaucoup d'infos sur elle... Donc si quelqu'un en sait plus, qu'il n'hésite pas à nous faire partager son savoir
Quelques photos :
Dernière édition par andrea39 le Lun 17 Sep 2012 - 17:18, édité 2 fois
andrea39- Nombre de messages : 2987
Age : 27
Localisation : Lons le Saunier
Date d'inscription : 22/08/2010
Re: Yana Kudryavtseva
Yana is back !!
Avec un joli justo ! Mais pas de sauts, encore... donc pas tout à fait rétablie ?
Avec un joli justo ! Mais pas de sauts, encore... donc pas tout à fait rétablie ?
Re: Yana Kudryavtseva
L’enchaînement est prometteur mais il manque des choses ça parait "lent" par rapport à ce qu'elle fait habituellement
En tout cas elle fait toujours des manip de folie avec son ballon!
En tout cas elle fait toujours des manip de folie avec son ballon!
sabine- Nombre de messages : 1693
Age : 37
Localisation : 92
Emploi/loisirs : juriste
Niveau de GR : juge FSGT/juge 2 FFG
Date d'inscription : 18/08/2007
Re: Yana Kudryavtseva
Les massues, avec une musique de l'Italie. Quelque fautes, et comme le ballon l’enchaînement parait lent...
Les massues, avec une musique de l'Italie. Quelque fautes, et comme le ballon l’enchaînement parait lent...
LalaYus- Nombre de messages : 14
Date d'inscription : 18/01/2014
Re: Yana Kudryavtseva
Déjà, reprendre la musique d'un ensemble qui, en plus, est devenu champion du monde avec cet enchaînement, je trouve pas ça terrible terrible... C'est pas comme si on s'était tous repassé la vidéo 15 000 fois après Montpellier (non, je suis pas la seule à avoir fait ça ? Rassurez-moi)
Et alors le remix, je ne le comprends pas du tout... Je suis fan des remix, en général, mais alors là, je n'en vois pas l'intérêt... C'est quoi ? Alien ?
Pour ce qui est de l'enchaînement, je pense que ça peut le faire, elle a des manips sympa, et puis elle se débrouille généralement très bien en massues... La lumière bleue et la reprise récente doivent expliquer les fautes
Et alors le remix, je ne le comprends pas du tout... Je suis fan des remix, en général, mais alors là, je n'en vois pas l'intérêt... C'est quoi ? Alien ?
Pour ce qui est de l'enchaînement, je pense que ça peut le faire, elle a des manips sympa, et puis elle se débrouille généralement très bien en massues... La lumière bleue et la reprise récente doivent expliquer les fautes
Re: Yana Kudryavtseva
Bien sûr que non !!!!!!!! C'était une merveille ce 5 ballons !!!!!kissifrottsipik a écrit:C'est pas comme si on s'était tous repassé la vidéo 15 000 fois après Montpellier (non, je suis pas la seule à avoir fait ça ? Rassurez-moi)
Je sais pas si ça vous l'a fait à vous aussi, mais je trouve que le style des justos de Yana est radicalement différent de celui qu'on a l'habitude de voir chez les russes, non ?
En tout cas, pour juger, j'attends de la voir encore plus en forme !
Clematis- Nombre de messages : 465
Date d'inscription : 02/12/2014
Re: Yana Kudryavtseva
J'adore pour l'instant ! on voit qu'elle est pas en grande forme mais quand ça va aller mieux ça va être superbe ! Ce rouge à lèvre avec ces nouveaux justos lui donne un air plus mature, elle fait plus femme et c'est super !
bichon- Nombre de messages : 3158
Age : 27
Localisation : Lille
Emploi/loisirs : Costumière
Niveau de GR : Nationale C Sénior
Date d'inscription : 14/10/2010
Re: Yana Kudryavtseva
Je rejoins ce qui a été dit, l'enchaînement est plutôt sympa mais alors la musique .. Je la trouve tellement belle à la base, ça ne m'embête pas tant que ça qu'elle l'ait reprise aux italiennes, c'est plus le remix que je ne comprends pas ... avec le justo vert et la lumière bleue, ça fait vraiment extraterrestre !
Sinon j'espère qu'elle se rétablira complètement le plus rapidement possible, on voit encore qu'elle n'est pas très en forme et du coup ça donne encore plus envie de voir les enchaînements "à fond" !
Sinon j'espère qu'elle se rétablira complètement le plus rapidement possible, on voit encore qu'elle n'est pas très en forme et du coup ça donne encore plus envie de voir les enchaînements "à fond" !
Lu'- Nombre de messages : 1507
Age : 32
Niveau de GR : Fan :)
Date d'inscription : 18/05/2012
Re: Yana Kudryavtseva
La musique des massues, c'est aussi celle des massues d'Anna en 2011-2012 me semble-t-il. J'aime pas le remix, je trouve ça moche. La musique au cerceau est affreuse. Celle du ballon est basique.
Concernant les performances, elle est pas au top de sa forme, mais y'a du potentiel pour d'excellentes routines une fois bien exécutées, par contre, avril, ça commence à faire tard pour Rio.
Contrairement à vous, je trouve que ce maquillage ne lui va pas du tout, ça lui donne un air très sévère, déjà qu'elle tire la gueule constamment pendant ses performances, alors là, avec ce rouge à lèvre, n'en parlons-pas.
J'aime bien le ballon, je pense que c'est son meilleur élément.
Concernant les performances, elle est pas au top de sa forme, mais y'a du potentiel pour d'excellentes routines une fois bien exécutées, par contre, avril, ça commence à faire tard pour Rio.
Contrairement à vous, je trouve que ce maquillage ne lui va pas du tout, ça lui donne un air très sévère, déjà qu'elle tire la gueule constamment pendant ses performances, alors là, avec ce rouge à lèvre, n'en parlons-pas.
J'aime bien le ballon, je pense que c'est son meilleur élément.
Lachrimae- Nombre de messages : 304
Localisation : Rhône-Alpes
Emploi/loisirs : Etudiante
Date d'inscription : 11/10/2014
Re: Yana Kudryavtseva
Aha moi je trouve cette musique des massues assez intéressante justement. Le remix casse le côté "déjà entendu" et vient ajouter une atmosphère un peu "film d'horreur" et pour le coup son expression est totalement ajustée, que ce soit fait exprès ou non :p Moi je trouve l'enchainement très cohérent sur cette musique;c'est justement le côté étrange qui s'en dégage qui fait son intérêt je trouve^^
Re: Yana Kudryavtseva
nonoG89 a écrit:Aha moi je trouve cette musique des massues assez intéressante justement. Le remix casse le côté "déjà entendu" et vient ajouter une atmosphère un peu "film d'horreur" et pour le coup son expression est totalement ajustée, que ce soit fait exprès ou non :p Moi je trouve l'enchainement très cohérent sur cette musique;c'est justement le côté étrange qui s'en dégage qui fait son intérêt je trouve^^
Quand je parlais de son expression, c'était sur les trois routines que j'ai vu
Lachrimae- Nombre de messages : 304
Localisation : Rhône-Alpes
Emploi/loisirs : Etudiante
Date d'inscription : 11/10/2014
Re: Yana Kudryavtseva
Après elle est peut sans expression parce qu'elle ne maitrise pas ses enchainement et est donc très concentrée et puis elle n'a jamais été tte expressive...
lolor- Nombre de messages : 706
Age : 34
Localisation : quelque part entre ici et ailleurs
Emploi/loisirs : GRS
Niveau de GR : indiv A2
Date d'inscription : 06/07/2007
Re: Yana Kudryavtseva
J'aime bien le remix, mais j'ai du mal à apprécier l'enchaînement à cause des fautes et de sa lenteur. Je trouve ça un petit peu inquiétant pour Rio
Et sinon le rouge à lèvres ne me gène pas plus que ça, pas autant que ses sourcils maquillés... Quand on a les cheveux aussi blonds c'est moyen (mais bon je la comprends, c'est pas facile tous les jours d'avoir les sourcils clairs )
Et sinon le rouge à lèvres ne me gène pas plus que ça, pas autant que ses sourcils maquillés... Quand on a les cheveux aussi blonds c'est moyen (mais bon je la comprends, c'est pas facile tous les jours d'avoir les sourcils clairs )
AriaaneGR- Nombre de messages : 2981
Age : 27
Localisation : Bretagne
Emploi/loisirs : lettres sup
Date d'inscription : 10/03/2011
Re: Yana Kudryavtseva
Moi j'ai l'impression de revoir Kondakova quand on avait encore un semblant d'espoir pour les JO... j'espère que cette histoire ne prendra pas la même tournure...
Certes elle n'a jamais été très exubérante surtout sur les prat (mais même en dehors), mais là ça me fait de la peine de la voir aller ramasser sa massues comme ça quand elle tombe...
Certes elle n'a jamais été très exubérante surtout sur les prat (mais même en dehors), mais là ça me fait de la peine de la voir aller ramasser sa massues comme ça quand elle tombe...
andrea39- Nombre de messages : 2987
Age : 27
Localisation : Lons le Saunier
Date d'inscription : 22/08/2010
Re: Yana Kudryavtseva
Elle a quand même l'air d'avoir un mental plus fort que Kondakova. Je pense qu'elle peut encore s'en remettre mais qu'il va falloir agir vite.
Lachrimae- Nombre de messages : 304
Localisation : Rhône-Alpes
Emploi/loisirs : Etudiante
Date d'inscription : 11/10/2014
Re: Yana Kudryavtseva
Un très long article sur elle, ici : http://www.rsgmag.ru/2016/03/18/yana-kudryavceva-ne-pozhalela-ni-razu-chto-vystupila-na-chempionate-mira-so-slomannoj-nogoj/
Bon, je ne parle pas russe, la traduction en français du site est incompréhensible, je trouve. Si quelqu'un sait parler russe, je pense qu'il serait intéressant de traduire le texte directement.
De ce que j'en comprends (texte anglais), Yana a fait les championnats du monde avec une fracture du naviculaire. Cette fracture était masquée par l'inflammation, ce qui fait qu'elle a quand même concouru (décidément, un pb de suivi médical qd même). Après la compétition et un peu de repos, les examens ont révélé la fracture. La technique opératoire qui a suivi a permis de minimiser les conséquences mais ce genre de problème a, par le passé, mis fin à certaines carrières sportives. Elle ne regrette pas d'avoir fait les championnats du monde de toute façon. Retrouver ses marques est difficile après un arrêt aussi long et son objectif reste Rio, cependant la concurrence est rude. Elle indique que ce qui importe c'est que ce soit le drapeau russe qui flotte en 1er, peu importe l'athlète qui est dessous. Ensuite, il y a quelques éléments sur les conditions d'entraînement, notamment que les filles préfèrent dormir un peu plus que de prendre un petit-déjeuner et que Yana depuis ses 17 ans a tendance à prendre un peu de poids (où????) et fait attention à son alimentation (et là, on peut imaginer comme un lien entre sa fracture et les régimes à la russe?)... Bon, et ce n'est que mon avis, ce n'est vraiment pas gagné pour Rio.
Donc je copie, colle la version anglaise qui est un peu plus explicite, mais pas tant (les modos, vous pouvez l'enlever si c'est jugé trop long, à vous de voir ).
Yana Kudryavtseva: "Do not be sorry even once, made it to the World Cup with a broken leg"
After a six-month break in performances due to a serious foot injury absolute world champion is back on the carpet and out of the competition performed in three events at the international tournament in Riga.
Talk with a gymnast, we agreed immediately after the competition right in the room - after Jan finished speaking with a ball and a hoop. Initially, however, it seemed that the conversation, my interlocutor is not too. But when I asked about it directly, Kudryavtseva smiled:
- Never mind. Just very tired. I got too big break in the competition, just huge. That's a bit out of the habit. You can never go back to the gym after six months of not speaking. I know that most of the girls who has had a similar injury, preferred to finish with the sport immediately.
- You get lucky?
- Maybe yes. I'm not just thinking about it. And so far, to be honest, I do not understand how I managed to cope with everything. When you do not train, very quickly lost flexibility, stretching, muscle memory is lost. In this respect, we have a very specific kind of sports requires so subtle and complex coordination that return some sense of it is not easy, even after a single weekend.
- How difficult was your surgery on his leg?
- At first it was planned that it will be very difficult. I, as it turned out during the examination, completely crumbled in the foot navicular bone, tissue necrosis has begun, and German doctors were going to take a bone from the femur and replace it the one that crumbled. But then the doctors have decided that you can try to avoid such complex manipulations: I thoroughly cleaned crumbled pieces again have altered chords, so recovery happened faster than it could be.
Doctors did not see that I FRACTURE
- You have in fact a sports family, his father - Olympic swimming champion. Do not you understand, when deciding to perform in last year's world championship with a broken leg, that this feat could be completed very bad, and you can finally lose the ability to perform at the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro?
- No doubt about going out on the carpet, or not, I did not have any. And then I did not regret even once, that worked in Stuttgart, the entire program. I Decide otherwise, I suppose, for a long time would not be in the national team and the Olympic Games is now preparing to other girls.
- In other words, once arrived at the event, one should not worry that you are injured and how much does it hurt?
- Of course. Choosing what to do, always remains for a gymnast. But me and the coaches then supported in this decision, and the parents were "for". Especially at that time, no one could not have imagined that with the foot to the point where all seriously.
- Would you say that on the turn only became known after the event?
- Yes. The leg is strong enough sick, but doctors were inclined to the fact that I just inflamed the growth zone. Since inflammation has been strong enough, it lubricates the big picture, are not allowed to see the fracture.
- Exactly the same thing happened in my time with the Laysan Utyasheva, which for a long time could not diagnose. In her case, in general, no one believed that the foot may be broken.
- Yes, I remember the case. And it is broken at Laysan was just navicular bone.
- And who was able to make the correct diagnosis?
- It was already in Germany when I was sent there for examination. After the World Cup I had time to relax a bit, inflammation and swelling have decreased, and that it became clear that the problem with the bone. I think if the coaches know that I have a fracture, act in Stuttgart I just would not allow it.
- In one interview you said that you do not care who wins it in Rio de Janeiro, the main thing that it was a Russian athlete. Do we really think so?
- We are so accustomed. Russian flag should always be above the rest. Who exactly will be under this flag stand on the podium - is secondary. Of course, you do want to win the most. But above all, I want to get to these Olympic Games, to be selected to the national team. In our competition team is not easy - a great bench.
- Do you ever have thoughts that you - with such an attitude to the sport - just soldiers in someone else's, and quite fanatical race for the gold?
- I do not think any of us sets himself in this way. You can in fact in a different way to reason, if for so many years, Russian gymnasts take only the first place, if for us is such a story and such traditions, we can play like we do?
ALWAYS CHOOSE SON instead of food
- While I was waiting for your speech, sitting in the hall, I noticed that many of the athletes when they leave the carpet starts to reduce leg cramps.
- Legs driving at all. In training you get used to doing a combination in a certain rhythm, with the same application of forces. The competition is always subconsciously strive to give everything to the maximum. Plus - music spurs. That calf muscles and beginning to respond spasms.
- Some special exercises to bring the muscles in order, do you use?
- Restore helps pool, sauna, massage.
- You have time to think on the carpet during the execution of tricks, or an absolute automatism, gained training?
- Over the years, of course, there is automatism. Still, I seriously train for 15 years.
- Why then errors occur?
- I - on my mood. Absolutely I can not fully invested in the work, if a bad mood. I guess I'm just too emotional person. When I come to the gym in a good mood, it happens that the combination is obtained without difficulty the first time. And there are days, when on the contrary everything goes wrong, for which nowhere.
- Weight problems are familiar to you?
- They are, of course, exist. Began about a year ago, when I was 17. I can not say that this is some kind of global problems, only if before, I do not think that we have to somehow restrict your diet, now noticed how much easier and I began to gain weight quickly, it is worth just a little himself "let go." Although for the time that was restored after the operation, I even lost weight. But, of course, very carefully I watched the way I eat.
- One of your colleagues told me once that life in Novogorske - it is a prison.
- You could say that.
- It is painful? Or you can get used to?
- I would not say that it is difficult to get used to. Many gymnasts at first very much miss home, but I was in this respect easier: after all, parents in Moscow, could always come. In rhythmic gymnastics is not so easy to earn in order to get noticed and invited to Navagorsk. We got there my trainer is not the first time. Several times to ask, but we were denied. They said that it must be earned.
- In the concept of "merit" have any specific criteria?
- Oh sure. For example, to get into the top three in the championship of Russia.
- How many hours a day do you spend training?
- It is a process that goes on throughout the day. In the morning right after breakfast choreography. None of the girls usually do not eat breakfast, to be able to sleep longer. I definitely will choose sleep instead of eating, if there is such a possibility. After a half hour lessons go from choreography to another room - on the first training session, which already makes a complete "runs" of their programs. Then lunch, a half-hour afternoon nap and room again. There remain longer until the evening. We finish the day the general physical preparation - with rubber, with weights.
FATHER NEVER saw me act, "alive"
- Why is the tournament in Riga you performed only three combinations?
- It is not yet able to fully restore the program. Here we are with the coach and decided that the ribbon exercise will not do: work out the only ball, hoop and clubs. I do not want the same to show that I'm not ready. But to address the real competition I was very necessary. At the end of March in Italy, will be held the World Cup, where I should have to work in full force.
- I worry about going out on the carpet after such a long break?
- I never worried. Even when he performed at his first World Championships. I do not know why. Maybe help talk with the Pope - we always communicate with him on the phone before my competition. Though, probably, just arranged in the nervous system. I even once tried to force myself to experience, I tried to summon some emotion about it. I thought: what if the experience will help me to get together and perform even better? But I did not succeed.
- You have a team because, as far as I know, there is a psychologist. To him go?
- Sometimes. It is said that a psychologist can help. Why not take advantage of it?
- What does your father today?
- Because he's gone swimming, but after the end of his career for some time worked as a trainer in the pool. Who is your business, not at all related to sports.
- And you go on your competition?
- No. Pope generally never in my life seen, as I speak, "alive". And I never watched the competition online. Only in the recording.
- Why?
- He was very worried when I speak, therefore, and said that his nerves will not stand it. My mother often goes to events with me, but also not looking statements as soon as suited my starting number, generally leaves the room.
- In rhythmic gymnastics athletes usually with a period of very keenly begin to perceive their own age.
- I do not think about it, although Rita Mamun we often jokingly call ourselves old ladies. In our sport a lot of gymnasts who are 23-24 years old, and some even more. Another question that can not relax anyone - too great competition for a place in the team.
- Do you consider yourself a lucky person?
- Oh sure. Is unfortunate man was able to win so many titles?
- And sorry for myself happened?
- And how! But in this case, you can afford to cry. The main thing that has not been seen.
Bon, je ne parle pas russe, la traduction en français du site est incompréhensible, je trouve. Si quelqu'un sait parler russe, je pense qu'il serait intéressant de traduire le texte directement.
De ce que j'en comprends (texte anglais), Yana a fait les championnats du monde avec une fracture du naviculaire. Cette fracture était masquée par l'inflammation, ce qui fait qu'elle a quand même concouru (décidément, un pb de suivi médical qd même). Après la compétition et un peu de repos, les examens ont révélé la fracture. La technique opératoire qui a suivi a permis de minimiser les conséquences mais ce genre de problème a, par le passé, mis fin à certaines carrières sportives. Elle ne regrette pas d'avoir fait les championnats du monde de toute façon. Retrouver ses marques est difficile après un arrêt aussi long et son objectif reste Rio, cependant la concurrence est rude. Elle indique que ce qui importe c'est que ce soit le drapeau russe qui flotte en 1er, peu importe l'athlète qui est dessous. Ensuite, il y a quelques éléments sur les conditions d'entraînement, notamment que les filles préfèrent dormir un peu plus que de prendre un petit-déjeuner et que Yana depuis ses 17 ans a tendance à prendre un peu de poids (où????) et fait attention à son alimentation (et là, on peut imaginer comme un lien entre sa fracture et les régimes à la russe?)... Bon, et ce n'est que mon avis, ce n'est vraiment pas gagné pour Rio.
Donc je copie, colle la version anglaise qui est un peu plus explicite, mais pas tant (les modos, vous pouvez l'enlever si c'est jugé trop long, à vous de voir ).
Yana Kudryavtseva: "Do not be sorry even once, made it to the World Cup with a broken leg"
After a six-month break in performances due to a serious foot injury absolute world champion is back on the carpet and out of the competition performed in three events at the international tournament in Riga.
Talk with a gymnast, we agreed immediately after the competition right in the room - after Jan finished speaking with a ball and a hoop. Initially, however, it seemed that the conversation, my interlocutor is not too. But when I asked about it directly, Kudryavtseva smiled:
- Never mind. Just very tired. I got too big break in the competition, just huge. That's a bit out of the habit. You can never go back to the gym after six months of not speaking. I know that most of the girls who has had a similar injury, preferred to finish with the sport immediately.
- You get lucky?
- Maybe yes. I'm not just thinking about it. And so far, to be honest, I do not understand how I managed to cope with everything. When you do not train, very quickly lost flexibility, stretching, muscle memory is lost. In this respect, we have a very specific kind of sports requires so subtle and complex coordination that return some sense of it is not easy, even after a single weekend.
- How difficult was your surgery on his leg?
- At first it was planned that it will be very difficult. I, as it turned out during the examination, completely crumbled in the foot navicular bone, tissue necrosis has begun, and German doctors were going to take a bone from the femur and replace it the one that crumbled. But then the doctors have decided that you can try to avoid such complex manipulations: I thoroughly cleaned crumbled pieces again have altered chords, so recovery happened faster than it could be.
Doctors did not see that I FRACTURE
- You have in fact a sports family, his father - Olympic swimming champion. Do not you understand, when deciding to perform in last year's world championship with a broken leg, that this feat could be completed very bad, and you can finally lose the ability to perform at the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro?
- No doubt about going out on the carpet, or not, I did not have any. And then I did not regret even once, that worked in Stuttgart, the entire program. I Decide otherwise, I suppose, for a long time would not be in the national team and the Olympic Games is now preparing to other girls.
- In other words, once arrived at the event, one should not worry that you are injured and how much does it hurt?
- Of course. Choosing what to do, always remains for a gymnast. But me and the coaches then supported in this decision, and the parents were "for". Especially at that time, no one could not have imagined that with the foot to the point where all seriously.
- Would you say that on the turn only became known after the event?
- Yes. The leg is strong enough sick, but doctors were inclined to the fact that I just inflamed the growth zone. Since inflammation has been strong enough, it lubricates the big picture, are not allowed to see the fracture.
- Exactly the same thing happened in my time with the Laysan Utyasheva, which for a long time could not diagnose. In her case, in general, no one believed that the foot may be broken.
- Yes, I remember the case. And it is broken at Laysan was just navicular bone.
- And who was able to make the correct diagnosis?
- It was already in Germany when I was sent there for examination. After the World Cup I had time to relax a bit, inflammation and swelling have decreased, and that it became clear that the problem with the bone. I think if the coaches know that I have a fracture, act in Stuttgart I just would not allow it.
- In one interview you said that you do not care who wins it in Rio de Janeiro, the main thing that it was a Russian athlete. Do we really think so?
- We are so accustomed. Russian flag should always be above the rest. Who exactly will be under this flag stand on the podium - is secondary. Of course, you do want to win the most. But above all, I want to get to these Olympic Games, to be selected to the national team. In our competition team is not easy - a great bench.
- Do you ever have thoughts that you - with such an attitude to the sport - just soldiers in someone else's, and quite fanatical race for the gold?
- I do not think any of us sets himself in this way. You can in fact in a different way to reason, if for so many years, Russian gymnasts take only the first place, if for us is such a story and such traditions, we can play like we do?
ALWAYS CHOOSE SON instead of food
- While I was waiting for your speech, sitting in the hall, I noticed that many of the athletes when they leave the carpet starts to reduce leg cramps.
- Legs driving at all. In training you get used to doing a combination in a certain rhythm, with the same application of forces. The competition is always subconsciously strive to give everything to the maximum. Plus - music spurs. That calf muscles and beginning to respond spasms.
- Some special exercises to bring the muscles in order, do you use?
- Restore helps pool, sauna, massage.
- You have time to think on the carpet during the execution of tricks, or an absolute automatism, gained training?
- Over the years, of course, there is automatism. Still, I seriously train for 15 years.
- Why then errors occur?
- I - on my mood. Absolutely I can not fully invested in the work, if a bad mood. I guess I'm just too emotional person. When I come to the gym in a good mood, it happens that the combination is obtained without difficulty the first time. And there are days, when on the contrary everything goes wrong, for which nowhere.
- Weight problems are familiar to you?
- They are, of course, exist. Began about a year ago, when I was 17. I can not say that this is some kind of global problems, only if before, I do not think that we have to somehow restrict your diet, now noticed how much easier and I began to gain weight quickly, it is worth just a little himself "let go." Although for the time that was restored after the operation, I even lost weight. But, of course, very carefully I watched the way I eat.
- One of your colleagues told me once that life in Novogorske - it is a prison.
- You could say that.
- It is painful? Or you can get used to?
- I would not say that it is difficult to get used to. Many gymnasts at first very much miss home, but I was in this respect easier: after all, parents in Moscow, could always come. In rhythmic gymnastics is not so easy to earn in order to get noticed and invited to Navagorsk. We got there my trainer is not the first time. Several times to ask, but we were denied. They said that it must be earned.
- In the concept of "merit" have any specific criteria?
- Oh sure. For example, to get into the top three in the championship of Russia.
- How many hours a day do you spend training?
- It is a process that goes on throughout the day. In the morning right after breakfast choreography. None of the girls usually do not eat breakfast, to be able to sleep longer. I definitely will choose sleep instead of eating, if there is such a possibility. After a half hour lessons go from choreography to another room - on the first training session, which already makes a complete "runs" of their programs. Then lunch, a half-hour afternoon nap and room again. There remain longer until the evening. We finish the day the general physical preparation - with rubber, with weights.
FATHER NEVER saw me act, "alive"
- Why is the tournament in Riga you performed only three combinations?
- It is not yet able to fully restore the program. Here we are with the coach and decided that the ribbon exercise will not do: work out the only ball, hoop and clubs. I do not want the same to show that I'm not ready. But to address the real competition I was very necessary. At the end of March in Italy, will be held the World Cup, where I should have to work in full force.
- I worry about going out on the carpet after such a long break?
- I never worried. Even when he performed at his first World Championships. I do not know why. Maybe help talk with the Pope - we always communicate with him on the phone before my competition. Though, probably, just arranged in the nervous system. I even once tried to force myself to experience, I tried to summon some emotion about it. I thought: what if the experience will help me to get together and perform even better? But I did not succeed.
- You have a team because, as far as I know, there is a psychologist. To him go?
- Sometimes. It is said that a psychologist can help. Why not take advantage of it?
- What does your father today?
- Because he's gone swimming, but after the end of his career for some time worked as a trainer in the pool. Who is your business, not at all related to sports.
- And you go on your competition?
- No. Pope generally never in my life seen, as I speak, "alive". And I never watched the competition online. Only in the recording.
- Why?
- He was very worried when I speak, therefore, and said that his nerves will not stand it. My mother often goes to events with me, but also not looking statements as soon as suited my starting number, generally leaves the room.
- In rhythmic gymnastics athletes usually with a period of very keenly begin to perceive their own age.
- I do not think about it, although Rita Mamun we often jokingly call ourselves old ladies. In our sport a lot of gymnasts who are 23-24 years old, and some even more. Another question that can not relax anyone - too great competition for a place in the team.
- Do you consider yourself a lucky person?
- Oh sure. Is unfortunate man was able to win so many titles?
- And sorry for myself happened?
- And how! But in this case, you can afford to cry. The main thing that has not been seen.
petite ginette- Nombre de messages : 259
Emploi/loisirs : maman de gym
Niveau de GR : Juge 1 FFG
Date d'inscription : 23/03/2009
Re: Yana Kudryavtseva
à propos de sa blessure, il est arrivé la même chose à Merkulova en 2012: elle a participé aux coupes du Monde de Minsk et de Vorarlberg alors que sa jambe était cassée; les médecins ont diagnostiqué la fracture juste avant Londres, je crois. Elle a arrêté pendant 6 mois, elle aussi, et elle n'a jamais pu revenir à son niveau de 2012...
AriaaneGR- Nombre de messages : 2981
Age : 27
Localisation : Bretagne
Emploi/loisirs : lettres sup
Date d'inscription : 10/03/2011
Re: Yana Kudryavtseva
J'aime beaucoup son nouvel enchaînement aux massues. Je le trouve hypnotisant !
Ali- Nombre de messages : 1633
Age : 27
Localisation : Bretagne
Emploi/loisirs : khâgne
Niveau de GR : Individuelle
Date d'inscription : 15/01/2011
Re: Yana Kudryavtseva
Je trouve que ce n'est pas hyper malin d'avoir un nouvel enchaînement pour chaque engin dans son cas. Ils auraient mieux fait de lui en changer que 2 sur 4 vu le retard qu'elle a pris avec sa blessure :/ en tout cas j'espère qu'elle ira à Rio !
miria- Nombre de messages : 589
Age : 29
Date d'inscription : 24/11/2012
Re: Yana Kudryavtseva
Elle est absente de thiais quelqu'un a des informations sur sa condition?
Je trouve que son retour traîne bcp j'ai bien peur qu'il soit difficile pour elle d'aller à Rio vu les délais !
Je trouve que son retour traîne bcp j'ai bien peur qu'il soit difficile pour elle d'aller à Rio vu les délais !
lbg53- Nombre de messages : 1430
Age : 32
Localisation : Annecy
Niveau de GR : ex-fédérale, ex-coach, créatrice de justaucorps
Date d'inscription : 25/05/2009
Re: Yana Kudryavtseva
Surtout quand on voit la progression de Soldatova...
Rosamelle- Nombre de messages : 980
Age : 30
Localisation : Lyon
Niveau de GR : Ex-gymnaste
Date d'inscription : 21/01/2012
Re: Yana Kudryavtseva
Cette image m'a beaucoup fait rire 😂😂
Elle étais vraiment superbe a Pesaro cette Yana 💘
CHLOEEE- Nombre de messages : 97
Age : 26
Localisation : Marseille
Niveau de GR : ex DF1 seiniors
Date d'inscription : 11/03/2015
Re: Yana Kudryavtseva
CHLOEEE a écrit:
Cette image m'a beaucoup fait rire 😂😂
Elle étais vraiment superbe a Pesaro cette Yana 💘
Ah ah ah !!! C'est tellement ça !
Clematis- Nombre de messages : 465
Date d'inscription : 02/12/2014
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